ECIA Member of the Week
Projections Unlimited Inc. (PUI) is thrilled to be recognized as the Electronic Components Industry Association’s (ECIA) Member of the Week!

2019 Genie Group Member of the Year
We are proud to share with everyone that at this year’s 2019 Genie Group Conference, we not only won an award for “Excellence in Growth” but were also honored to be named the 2019 Genie Group Member of the Year!

Cornell Dubilier Releases Ultra Low-Profile Capacitors Alongside Coin Cell Style Double Layer Super Capacitors
Coin Cell Supercapacitors Learn more about CDE Ultra Low-Profile Capacitors HERE ULP Series Datasheet Download (235.65 kb)
Mega Releases Patented Lockable Female IEC Connectors and Outlets
Mega Electronics releases Unique Patented Lockable female C13 and C19 IEC Connectors and Outlets. Connectors cannot be accidentally pulled or vibrated out of the inlet. Available from stock with worldwide plug configurations and fully certified with the major international standards.
TT Electronics Introduces the HM79M Power Inductor
Compact components offer low core loss, low DC resistance, and high saturation current for high power density industrial applications.
Sign Up Today for TT University!
TT Electronics is excited to host the 2019 TT University program for a select group of their most valued distributors and sales representatives!
Cincon releases new DALI motion sensor MDS-P
The MDS-P is a PIR built-in DALI sensor which offers up to 16 different modes to choose for DALI lighting control. In addition, it is powered by DALI BUS with the consumption of 10mA. Detection area is 160m2 under 5 meters ceiling height.
EGL2290 Series Illuminated Slide Switch
The new EGL2290 Series slide switch offers a unique feature — LED illumination in the actuator. It offers multiple LED colors to choose from: red, blue, green, yellow, white and a red-green bi-color option.
Oupiin Introduces HSER – Series 2386
Oupiin’s 2386 is designed for high transmission speed applications where signal integrity is a necessity. These high density, low profile connectors are durable connectors that use integrated board locks to ensure contact points remain in connection and are optimized for clean transmission. A very popular choice for engineers who want to save board real estate while still providing high quality, high transmission speeds.
Ecliptek Case Study- Lighting
Small scale, low power consumption frequency control products from Ecliptek are ideally suited for Connected Lighting Systems that blend LED capabilities with Internet of Things connectivity. Typically, in CLS, two types of FCP are required: a crystal to support the input frequency for the Zigbee, Bluetooth Low Energy or Wi-Fi, as well as a watch crystal for real time clocking.